On 07 January 2017, Rotarians, their family members, Interactors from the Interact Club of Stamford American School and friends descended on Block 89, Redhill Close at 11.00 am, all ready to start our annual food distribution.
The CNY Food Distribution is our favourite community service project. The Club has been doing this annual food distribution since its inception in 1983. This Rotary year is no exception. On 07 January 2017, Rotarians, their family members, Interactors from the Interact Club of Stamford American School and friends descended on Block 89, Redhill Close at 11.00 am, all ready to start work.
The grocery and food stuff were pre-ordered a day earlier and delivered to the site of the project. We have canned food, rice, dried meat, green vegetable and eggs among many others. Besides food and grocery items, Rtn Catherine donated toothpaste, toothbrush and medicated plasters. We also purchased CNY goodies to add to the festive cheers. In addition to the food stuff, we gave out Ang pows, with cash, to the 250 old folks living in one-room HDB rental flats in the vicinity.
The grocery and food items were delivered by 11 am. Members, family members and interactors arrived by 11.30am. By 12 pm, the packing of the food items were first packed for delivery to the homes of 16 residents that were either disabled, medically unfit or had mobility problems. As they cannot come down to the void deck to collect the grocery items, these were packed into bags. Rotarians, together with the interactors would then deliver them to their homes. At the same time, they had the opportunity to interact with the residents.
The distribution at the void deck started at about 12.30pm. Rotarians and family members stood in line to give out the items to the recipients. Besides the food items, ang pows were given out to each resident to celebrate the Chinese New Year festival.
The project was completed at about 2.00pm and some members adjourned to the food center for a well deserved rest.
The total expenditure was $10,000 and the funds were generously donated by Rotarians, their friends. Also, we received a generous grant from the Foundation of Rotary Club, Singapore.
Another satisfying experience that we could do just a little bit to bring cheers to the lonely old folks this Chinese New Year.
We look forward to the next year for another meaningful time with the old folks.