PP Andrew Koh & PP Jane Koh hosted RCPV's AGM and X'mas party at their lovely home on 14 Dec, 2019. Both PDG & Mrs. Chew Ghim Bok and DGE Mohan graced the occasion attended by a total of 60 people including RCPV's Ex-members, SAI Interactors & SUTD Rotaractors.
PP Andrew Koh kicked off the donation drive for funds to be raised for RCPV's annual Chinese New Year Food and Ang Pow Distribution at Redhill. A total of S$ 2,820 was raised for the project.

Members and guests warming to the dinner party. A lovely mermaid was present to keep the guests entertained...

What a night with full of entertainments and delicious buffet dinner! Everyone got to enjoy the presence of the lovely mermaid, bellying dancing and karoke....